Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Online shopping! My first time

Today, I had my very first online shopping experience. It is amazing the fear you get from pressing one little button!

Click here to see my previous online shopping articles

I had been planning on buy the Canon 550D DSLR camera for ages now, and have finally saved up enough to buy it. So I went round to all the stores and played around with the camera, (and checked out cheaper options), looked around for the best deals, including second hand cameras on www.dubizzle.com , and finally made up my mind to buy it - but not where to buy it from...

Therefore, I freaked out yet again and started asking around and my colleague tells me that www.souq.com now has  a "Deal of the Day" section.

So I logged on to Souq.com and Lo-and-behold! Souq is selling the exact camera I want with a carry case and 8GB memory (including the default 18mm lens) for 2,999 thats 8,50 Dhs cheaper than I was going to get for it anywhere else.

So seeing that there were only FOUR more of those left, Yasmin did the unthinkable... she took a chance. She made a hasty decision without asking for anyone's thoughts on the matter.

*Cue scary music*

.... She clicked onto BUY NOW

I don't own a credit card so I can't buy item online... BUT they had the option to pay CASH-ON-DELIVERY which is like the coolest more awesomest thing for a person freaked out by online shopping!

It was relatively simple, all I had to do was to put in my PO BOX address and phone number.... click on confirm... and that was it! I went back to the main page and it said there were only THREE cameras left (im guessing I got the fourth) ...I then breathed a sigh of relief when I got a confirmation mail from the website with my order on it.

So, we'll find out in 3-7days!

I Got IT! -----------------------------> it took 5days tuesday -->sun

Will have LOADS of fun with this!

1 comment:

  1. randomly came across your blog lol fantastic stuff though. i remember the first time i ordered something online, i did not treat the items as real things until a few days after getting them haha
