Sunday, 15 June 2008

A week's Internship @ Flip


Well i've done a week's worth of internship @ FlipMedia.
I've been given my own laptop to work own, An Email Address and A fingerprint to enter the workplace =P
Slowly but surely i'm learning more about website development and design.
I've learnt alot of new terminology like wireframes (basically the website layout)
And im trying to teach myself how to use Omni graffle Pro (as i was only given a tiny crash course on it)
To tell you the truth i was hoping to do alot more alot faster.
But anyways the people are nice and the workplace is as well.
Currently, i've been given a "project" in which i have to make my own website portfolio
So ive done a brief, a sitemap , and now im working on the wireframes.
I wish i had had to chance to have taken an advanced course in this stuff though!

Anyways, i am enjoying myself. 5 weeks left including this one.
I really really really wanna be able to learn news things. Fast. AND be given the chance to be helpful and productive. well i was able to once.

Yalla we'll see what happens!

More later =)

1 comment:

  1. Never hurt to ask for more and harder. You have to show the potential in you, they'll give you more and harder... Look closely at what they're doing, don't be afraid to ask questions (note your questions if you see them busy and get the right time to ask)... ahow you like challenges and you're ready for them, they'll give you more... Great time at Flip.
    Ilhem A.
