Tuesday, 4 March 2008

FACEBOOK!!! and Internet access in the UAE!

This is VERY imp. to residents such as MEEEEE in the UAE. And people, Facebook will NOT be blocked, only certain bits of it! Sooo yea, if you want to find out more, click on the title to link to the article.

It just mentions that Du is Etisalats Competition, that Etisalat will (basically) stop blockin sites completely but will only block bits of them , and keeping in mind the cultural,traditional and religious values of the UAE

Oh, and on last class's topic, if you wanna know more about how facebook makes money and how its helping others, (the application developers) then read this article -> http://www.business24-7.ae/cs/article_show_mainh1_story.aspx?HeadlineID=3270

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